Filter Restores Last Tool


Removes a long-standing GUI issue.

Key Concepts and Definitions

  • Filter: A plug-in that processes pixels in a drawable, Hue, Blur etc.
  • Tool Palette: The grid of tool buttons, Move Tool, Paintbrush Tool ect.

Design Revisions

RevisionCurrent DesignIssuesChanges
1. Restore the previous tool after using a filterThe filter is the active toolConfusing to the user to deselect the active tool when a filter is used, and to keep the filter as the active toolRestore the previous tool when a filter dialog is closed


  • Restore Previous Tool After Filter Use:
    • Added code to retrieve the previous tool from the context.
    • After a filter dialog closes (whether committed or canceled), the previous tool is restored using gimp_context_set_tool.


  • Ensures the user’s previous tool is restored after using a filter, providing a more intuitive and seamless experience in the tool palette.