
Extend Script-Fu to include additional functions that help the user.

Key Concepts and Definitions

  • Script-Fu: A scripting language based on Scheme

Additional Procedures

(gimp-context-get-display)Get the active display ID
(gimp-context-eraser-toggle)Toggle the active tool to the eraser.
(gimp-context-eraser-paintbrush-toggle)Toggle the active tool to the eraser and always return to the paintbrush
(gimp-context-get-eraser-active )Returns true if the Eraser Tool is active
(gimp-items-set-visible)Set the visibility of a vector list of items


  • New Script-Fu Functions:
    • (gimp-context-get-display): Retrieves the active display ID. This ID can then be used with other display-related functions like (gimp-display-present display-id).
    • (gimp-context-eraser-toggle): Toggles the active tool between the eraser and the previously active tool.
    • (gimp-context-eraser-paintbrush-toggle): Toggles the active tool between the eraser and the paintbrush tool.
    • (gimp-context-get-eraser-active): Returns 1 if the Eraser Tool is active or 0.
    • (gimp-items-set-visible): Allows setting the visibility of a vector list of items in bulk. This can help streamline visibility management for layers, paths, or other drawable items.


  • These additional functions enhance the flexibility of Script-Fu, enabling users to toggle between tools, manage visibility across multiple items, and integrate display information into their scripts, leading to more powerful automation and customization.