Association Lists (Alists)

Association Lists (Alists)


An association list (or alist) is a fundamental data structure in Scheme used to represent collections of key-value pairs. It is implemented as a list of pairs, where each pair associates a key (typically a symbol) with a value. Alists are simple, flexible, and well-suited for small to medium-sized datasets.

Structure of an Association List

An alist is a list where each element is a pair (constructed with cons). Each pair consists of:

  • Key: The first element (typically a symbol).
  • Value: The second element, which can be of any data type.
(define alist '((name . "Alice") (age . 30) (city . "Paris")))
  • Key: 'name, 'age, 'city
  • Value: "Alice", 30, "Paris"
  • Structure: A list of pairs:
    ((name . "Alice") (age . 30) (city . "Paris"))

Creating an Alist

You can create an alist by manually constructing pairs or programmatically building it using cons.

Using the Single Quote (')

The single quote (') is shorthand for quoting, which prevents Scheme from evaluating the expression. This makes it ideal for creating static alists where all keys and values are hardcoded.

;; Manually define an alist
(define alist '((name . "Alice") (age . 30) (city . "Paris")))

;; Programmatically add a new pair
(define updated-alist (cons '(country . "France") alist))

((country . "France") (name . "Alice") (age . 30) (city . "Paris"))

Using the Backquote (`) and Comma (,)

The backquote (`) is similar to the single quote but allows you to dynamically insert evaluated expressions using the comma (,) operator. This is useful for creating alists where keys or values are computed at runtime.

(define key 'name)
(define value "Alice")

(define alist `((,key . ,value) (age . 30) (city . "Paris")))

((name . "Alice") (age . 30) (city . "Paris"))

Example Comparison

Static alist using ':

(define alist '((name . "Alice") (age . 30) (city . "Paris")))

Dynamic alist using ` and ,:

(define key 'name)
(define value "Alice")
(define alist `((,key . ,value) (age . 30) (city . "Paris")))

Accessing Data in an Alist

To retrieve a value from an alist, you can use the assoc function, which looks up a pair by its key.

(assoc 'name alist)   ; Returns (name . "Alice")
(assoc 'country alist) ; Returns #f (key not found)

Extracting the Value

Once you retrieve a pair using assoc, use cdr to extract the value:

(cdr (assoc 'name alist))   ; Returns "Alice"

Summary of Key Features

  • Single Quote ('): Creates a static alist where all elements are literal data.
  • Backquote (`): Allows dynamic creation of alists by mixing static elements with evaluated expressions (using ,).
  • Dot Notation (.): Used to construct pairs, associating a key with a value in an alist.