Simple Recursion

Simple Recursion


Recursion is a powerful concept in Scheme, where a function calls itself to solve smaller sub-problems of the original problem. A simple recursion pattern involves a base case to stop the recursion and a recursive case to reduce the problem.

The general structure of a recursive function looks like this:

(define (function-name args)
  (if (base-condition)
  • Base Condition: Stops the recursion.
  • Base Result: The value returned when the base condition is met.
  • Recursive Call: A call to the function itself with smaller arguments.

Understanding the Stack

When a recursive function is called, each call is added to the call stack, where it waits for the base case to return a value. Once the base case is reached, the stack begins to unwind, resolving each call in reverse order.

Example: Sum of Numbers (1 to n)

A simple recursive function to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to n:

(define (sum-to-n n)
  (if (= n 0)                  ; Base case: stop when n is 0
    0                          ; Base result: sum is 0
    (+ n (sum-to-n (- n 1))))) ; Recursive call: sum current n with result of smaller problem

How It Works: Backtracking and Unwinding

Recursion involves backtracking and unwinding. When a recursive function is called, each call creates a stack frame where its arguments and operations are stored. These frames remain unresolved until the base case is reached. Once the base case is hit, the function unwinds by resolving each stack frame, combining results as it returns.

Step-by-Step Trace of sum-to-n 3

  1. Initial Call: sum-to-n 3

    • (if (= 3 0) 0 (+ 3 (sum-to-n 2)))
    • Waits for sum-to-n 2.
  2. Second Call: sum-to-n 2

    • (if (= 2 0) 0 (+ 2 (sum-to-n 1)))
    • Waits for sum-to-n 1.
  3. Third Call: sum-to-n 1

    • (if (= 1 0) 0 (+ 1 (sum-to-n 0)))
    • Waits for sum-to-n 0.
  4. Base Case: sum-to-n 0

    • (if (= 0 0) 0)
    • Returns 0 to the previous call.

Unwinding: Resolving Calls in Reverse Order

Once the base case is hit, the function begins to unwind, combining results:

  1. sum-to-n 0: Returns 0.
  2. sum-to-n 1: (+ 1 0) = 1.
  3. sum-to-n 2: (+ 2 1) = 3.
  4. sum-to-n 3: (+ 3 3) = 6.

Visualizing the Stack

  1. Backtracking (Stack Growth):
    • Each call to sum-to-n is added to the stack:
sum-to-n 3 -> sum-to-n 2 -> sum-to-n 1 -> sum-to-n 0
  1. Unwinding (Stack Reduction):
    • Stack frames are resolved in reverse order:
sum-to-n 0 -> sum-to-n 1 -> sum-to-n 2 -> sum-to-n 3

Example: Printing Each Element of a List

Here’s a simple recursive function to print every element in a list:

(define (print-elements lst)
  (if (null? lst)
    (gimp-message "done")
      (gimp-message (number->string (car lst))) ; Print the first element
      (print-elements (cdr lst)))))             ; Process the rest of the list
  • Base Case: If the list is empty (null? lst), stop recursion.
  • Recursive Case: Print the first element (car lst), then call the function on the rest of the list (cdr lst).

Example Usage

(print-elements (list 1 2 3))


  • "1"
  • "2"
  • "3"

Result: “done”

How It Works

  1. The function retrieves the first element of the list using car and processes it.
  2. It then calls itself with the rest of the list (cdr).
  3. This process repeats until the list is empty (null? lst).


  • Simple recursion consists of:
    1. Base case: Stops the recursion.
    2. Recursive case: Reduces the problem toward the base case.
  • Backtracking: Each recursive call is added to the stack and waits for the base case.
  • Unwinding: The stack resolves in reverse order, combining results.

Recursion mirrors the problem’s structure elegantly but may use more memory than iteration due to the stack. Always ensure a base case to avoid infinite recursion.