* Tested in GIMP 2.99.14 *

Prints the layer ID of every selected layer in a list.

The plug-in should appear in the “Layer” menu.

To download layer-name-id.scm
…follow the link, right click the page, Save as layer-name-id.scm, in a folder called layer-name-id, in a GIMP plug-ins location. In Linux, set the file to be executable.

#!/usr/bin/env gimp-script-fu-interpreter-3.0

(define (script-fu-layer-name-id img lstL)
  (print-layer-id-name lstL)

(script-fu-register-filter "script-fu-layer-name-id"
 "Layer ID"
 "Prints a list of all selected layers and ID"
 "Mark Sweeney"
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-layer-name-id" "<Image>/Layer")

; copyright 2023, Mark Sweeney, Under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3

; utility functions
(define (boolean->string bool) (if bool "#t" "#f"))

(define (exit msg)
  (gimp-message-set-handler 0)
  (gimp-message (string-append " >>> " msg " <<<"))
  (gimp-message-set-handler 2)

(define (here x)(gimp-message(string-append " >>> " (number->string x) " <<<")))

; prints the layer name and id of every layer in a list in one string
(define (print-layer-id-name lstL)
      (i 0)(strL "")(msg " ")(actL 0)(id "")(nme "")
    (if (list? lstL) (set! lstL (list->vector lstL)))
    (while (< i (vector-length lstL))
      (set! actL (vector-ref lstL i))
      (when (= (car (gimp-item-id-is-valid actL)) 1)
        (set! id (number->string actL))
        (set! nme (car(gimp-item-get-name actL)))
        (set! strL (string-append strL msg id " : " nme "\n"))
      (set! i (+ i 1))
    (gimp-message strL)

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Crop Layers to Masks
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Isolate Selected Layers - Linux Only