* Tested in GIMP 2.99.14 *

Incrementally autosaves any images that have changed in the current session. You have to activate it every session, it never deletes files, and never saves over the open files. An image is created to show it’s on, close it if you like, it still saves. It makes a storage folder relative to “home” for an easy clean up.

Use the additional plugin Almost Autosave Off to disable.

This plugin has been designed to work with the Proxy plug-in. That plug-in can dramatically reduce the file size and the save time. Which makes autosaving less intrusive.

The plug-ins should appear in the File menu.

To download almost-autosave.scm
…follow the link, right click the page, Save as almost-autosave.scm, in a folder called almost-autosave, in a GIMP plug-ins location.
In Linux, set the file to be executable.

To download almost-autosave-off.scm
…follow the link, right click the page, Save as almost-autosave-off.scm, in a folder called almost-autosave-off, in a GIMP plug-ins location.
In Linux, set the file to be executable.

#!/usr/bin/env gimp-script-fu-interpreter-3.0

; Incrementally autosaves any images that have changed in the current session
; *Almost* because you have to activate it *every* session
; An image is created to show it's ON, close it if you like, it still saves.
; makes a storage folder relative to "home"
; User still needs to save changes to any opened file before closing
; Use additional plugin "Almost Autosave Off" to disable.
; copyright 2023, Mark Sweeney, Under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3

(define debug #f)

(define (script-fu-almost-autosave)

      ; *** tweak these numbers for user preference ***
      (timeDelay 15) ; minutes between autosaves
      (increments 6) ; number of incremental saves
      (save-location "Autosaved"); will be saved in "home/Autosaved/"
      (quiet 0) ; set to 1 to stop any repeating saving messages
      (indOn 1) ; set to 0 for no indicator image
      ; *** end user tweaks ***

      (i 0)(incr 1)(imgLst 0)(img 0)(imgOn 0)(asPID 0)(asOnR 0)(pIDf 0)(iDsp 0)
      (initial #t) (loop #f)

    (proxy-active-test initial) ; if there is a Proxy plugin process running

    ; if autosave is not on
    (when (= (autosave-active "autosave-pid") 0)

      ; turn on, makes an "on" icon and identification parasites
      (set! asOnR (autosave-on indOn))
      (set! asPID (cadr asOnR))
      (set! imgOn (car asOnR))

      ; autosave loop, while a parasite with a PID exists
      (while (> (autosave-match-pid "autosave-pid" asPID) 0)

        (proxy-active-test loop) ; pause, if there is a Proxy plugin process running
        (set! imgLst (gimp-get-images))

        (when debug
          (set! iDsp (get-global-parasite "autosave-display"))
          (set! pIDf (autosave-match-pid "autosave-pid" asPID))
              " display ID parasite -> " (number->string iDsp)
              " \n current autosave PID -> " (number->string pIDf)

        ; check every open image for changes to autosave
        (set! i 0)
        (while (< i (car imgLst))
          (set! img (vector-ref (cadr imgLst) i))

          ; Test freeze and thaw 
          (gimp-image-undo-freeze img)

          (when (and (not(= img imgOn))(> (car (gimp-image-id-is-valid img))0))
            (if (> (car (gimp-image-is-dirty img)) 0)
              (incremental-save img save-location (number->string incr) quiet)

          ; Test freeze and thaw 
          (gimp-image-undo-thaw img)

          (set! i (+ i 1))

        (usleep (* 60 (* timeDelay 1000000)))
        (set! incr (+ incr 1))
        (if (> incr increments) (set! incr 1))

      ); autosaving loop

      (if debug
        (if(= (autosave-match-pid "autosave-pid" asPID) 0)
          (gimp-message" autosave is now off ")



(define (proxy-active-test initial)

  (when (not (equal? () (car (file-glob "proxy" 0))))
    (when (equal? "proxy" (caar (file-glob "proxy" 0)))
      (if debug (gimp-message " found proxy plugin file ")) ; debug
      (while (= (plugin-get-lock "proxy") 1)
        (when initial
          (exit "  An auto-save lock is on, try deleting the 'proxy' text 
                   file in your Home directory in Linux or your User directory 
                   in Windows. 

                   \nThen run the auto-save plug-in again."
        (when (not initial)
          (gimp-message " auto-save paused until Proxy plugin completes ")
          (usleep (* 60 (* 1 300000)))


(define (incremental-save img sLoc incr quiet)
      (fNme "")(fBse "")(fPth "")(fNoExt "")(sNme "")(selDraw 0)
      (brkTok DIR-SEPARATOR)

    ; give a save name to untitled images
    (when (equal? (car(gimp-image-get-file img)) "")
      (set! fNoExt (string-append "ID_"(number->string img)))
      (set! fPth (string-append sLoc "/" "Untitled"))

    ; base the save name on the existing name
    (when (not(equal? (car(gimp-image-get-file img)) ""))
      (set! fNme (car(gimp-image-get-file img)))
      (set! fBse (car (reverse (strbreakup fNme brkTok))))
      (set! fNoExt (car (strbreakup fBse ".")))
      (set! fPth sLoc)

    ; save the file
    (make-dir-path (string-append "/" fPth "/" fNoExt))
    (set! sNme (string-append fPth "/" fNoExt "/" "autosave_" incr ".xcf" ))
    (set! selDraw(cadr(gimp-image-get-selected-layers img)))
    (gimp-xcf-save 0 img 0 selDraw sNme)
    (if (not(= quiet 1))(gimp-message(string-append" >>> "sNme)))


(define (autosave-on indOn)
      (indInfo (list 0 0))(asPID 0)(dispID 0)

    (when (= indOn 1)
      ; a disposable user indicator image and layer
      (set! indInfo (draw-indicator))
      (set! dispID (number->string (car indInfo)))

      ; create a global parasite to record the indicator display ID
      (gimp-attach-parasite (list "autosave-display" 0 dispID))
      (if debug (gimp-message (string-append " saving display ID -> " dispID)))

    ; create a global parasite to record the autosave process ID
    (srand (realtime))
    (set! asPID (number->string (rand 1000000)))
    (gimp-attach-parasite (list "autosave-pid" 0 asPID))

    (gimp-message " autosave on ")
    (list (cadr indInfo) (string->number asPID))


(define (draw-indicator)
      (indNme "autosave-on.xcf")(mde LAYER-MODE-NORMAL)
      (imgOn (car (gimp-image-new 64 64 RGB )))(dispID 0)
      (actL (car (gimp-layer-new imgOn 64 64 RGBA-IMAGE indNme 100 mde)))
      (indC '(120 150 95)); RGB colour of indicator
      (indH '(170 200 155)); RGB colour of indicator highlight

    (gimp-image-insert-layer imgOn actL 0 0)
    (gimp-image-set-file imgOn indNme)
    (gimp-context-set-foreground indC)
    (gimp-context-set-opacity 100)
    (gimp-drawable-edit-fill actL 0)
    (gimp-image-select-ellipse imgOn 2 8 8 48 48)
    (gimp-context-set-foreground indH)
    (gimp-drawable-edit-fill actL 0)
    (gimp-selection-none imgOn)
    (gimp-image-clean-all imgOn)
    (set! dispID (car(gimp-display-new imgOn)))
    (list dispID imgOn )


(define (autosave-active findNme)
      (i 0)(found 0)(actP 0)
      (para (list->vector (car(gimp-get-parasite-list))))

    (while (< i (vector-length para))
      (set! actP (vector-ref para i))
      (when (equal? actP findNme)
        (gimp-message " autosave already active ")
        (set! found 1)
        (set! i (vector-length para))
      (set! i (+ i 1))


(define (autosave-match-pid findNme PID)
      (i 0)(fndPID 0)(actP 0)(para (list->vector (car(gimp-get-parasite-list))))

    (while (< i (vector-length para))
      (set! actP (vector-ref para i))
      (when (equal? actP findNme)
        (set! fndPID (string->number (caddar(gimp-get-parasite findNme))))
        (set! i (vector-length para))

      (if (not (= fndPID PID)) (set! fndPID 0))
      (set! i (+ i 1))


(script-fu-register "script-fu-almost-autosave"
 "Almost Autosave" 
 "saves all open files incrementally, if the content has changed" 
 "Mark Sweeney"
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-almost-autosave" "<Image>/File")

; copyright 2023, Mark Sweeney, Under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3

; utility functions
(define (boolean->string bool) (if bool "#t" "#f"))

(define (exit msg)
  (gimp-message-set-handler 0)
  (gimp-message (string-append " >>> " msg " <<<"))
  (gimp-message-set-handler 2)

(define (here x)(gimp-message(string-append " >>> " (number->string x) " <<<")))

; makes a directory in the "home" directory with a string "/path/like/this"
; in WindowsOS relative to "C:\Users\username"  keep using "/" to denote path
(define (make-dir-path path)
      (brkP 0)(i 2)(pDepth 0)(dirMake "")

    (set! brkP (strbreakup path "/"))
    (set! pDepth  (length brkP))
    (set! dirMake (list-ref brkP 1)) ; skip empty element
    (dir-make dirMake) ; make root

    (while (< i pDepth)
      (set! dirMake (string-append dirMake "/" (list-ref brkP i)))     
      (set! i (+ i 1))
      (dir-make dirMake) ; make tree


; returns the given global parasites value string as a number, or 0
(define (get-global-parasite paraNme)
      (i 0)(actP 0)(fndVal 0)
      (para (list->vector (car(gimp-get-parasite-list))))

    (while (< i (vector-length para))
      (set! actP (vector-ref para i))
      (when (equal? actP paraNme)
        (if #f (gimp-message "found the global parasite"))
        (set! fndVal (string->number (caddar(gimp-get-parasite actP))))
        (set! i (vector-length para))
      (set! i (+ i 1))


; scans through possible display id's and brings the first it finds to the fore
(define (present-first-display)
      (i 0)

    (while (< i 100)
      (when (= (car (gimp-display-id-is-valid i)) 1)
        (gimp-display-present i)

        (set! i 100)
      (set! i (+ i 1))


; looks for a "plugin" file on disk and reads the first line
; returns the first line. used to see if a plugin is already active/locked
(define (plugin-get-lock plugin) 
      (input (open-input-file plugin))
      (lockValue 0)

    (if input (set! lockValue (read input)))
    (if input (close-input-port input))


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